Established in 1989, The Victor Heritage Museum is housed in the old Victor Depot building in Victor, Montana, at the corner of Main and Blake. The museum was opened and is operated by volunteers.
125 Blake Street
Victor, Montana
At Victor, turn west off Highway 93 onto Main Street and go two blocks to Blake Street.
Hours of Operation:
Open Memorial day through Labor Day, Tuesday through Saturday from 1pm-4pm. The annual Ice Cream Social will be held the last Sunday in August and the Chocolate Tasting Party and Silent Auction will be the 1st Monday in December.
There is no admission fee, but donations are always welcome.
The Victor Heritage Museum strives to preserve the proud and noble heritage of the community, which includes mining, railroads, schools, churches, businesses, agriculture, and natural resources. Native Americans, pioneer settlers, and those who followed are represented here.

Original Victor Depot
For more information about the history of the Bitterroot Valley, visit the Ravalli County Museum website at